Playing Catch-up: Jimmy Eat World - Damage

Damage is Jimmy Eat World's eighth studio album.  It holds its ground against the high bar set by its predecessors.

Though it doesn't wow and amaze like Clarity or Bleed American, it's a solid album.

Contrary to previous Jimmy Eat World albums, the singles "Damage" and "I Will Steal You Back" are good representations of what the rest of the album is like (unlike "The Middle" or "My Best Theory").  They're solid songs.  Not spectacular but solid.

The other songs on the album are pretty good as well.  "Appreciation," "Lean," "Book of Love," are about on par with one another and the singles.  If there is one that stands out to me it is probably "Please Say No" as it is more emotional than the others (and is also the primary reason why I listen to this band).

This album doesn't seem to have any songs on it that will get fans singing the words from the bottom of their hearts like "Goodbye Sky Harbor," "Pain," or "Hear You Me," but, it doesn't have a bad song on it either.

However, even as I write this now, I feel that in the future this album will find a place in my heart like all of the other Jimmy Eat World albums so, perhaps I should give it some time.

Overall, this album won't change your life.  But, it doesn't betray fandom either.

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