Pros and Cons: Dying Light

Basic Information:
Developer:  Techland
Genre:  Horror, Survival, 1st Person Shooter, Sandbox, Online Co-op, PVP
Platform: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC
Release Date:  Jan 27, 2015

What You'll Love:
  • 1st person parkour mechanics
  • Mostly solid voice acting
  • Melee combat (which is the primary mode of combat) is really fun!
  • Side quests are almost as involved as the main quest (and there are a lot of them)
  • Day/night mechanics innovatively used as really tough and fast infected come out only at night.  This adds a time management facet for players to make sure that they make it to a safe zone before sundown
  • Fleeing the tough zombies at night make for intense chases!
  • Weapon and item crafting are pretty involved allowing players to add blow torches, batteries, etc. to melee weapons to add elemental effects
  • Good mix of enemies as there are the infected types along with humans w/melee weapons and humans w/firearms and grenades.  Sometimes a combination of all of the above
  • Leveling system is pretty good in that your agility tree, survival tree, and combat tree all level up separately at rates depending on what skills you utilize the most.
What You'll Have Mixed or No Feelings About:
  • Main quest plot will probably be forgotten after a few days if you even cared at all
  • Generic main character
  • Cool enemy types but mostly carbon copies of Left 4 Dead enemies
  • Gunplay is a little sluggish but is still okay
  • Lockpicking is similar to Fallout 3 but annoyingly difficult on the higher difficulty locks.  Sometimes you'll take five whole minutes and break ten lockpicks just on one lock.
What You'll Hate.........Or Find Hilariously Bad:
  • Sometimes things that should be climbable aren't ie; some rocks, metal grates
  • Human enemy AI is incredibly simple.  They will never try to flank you
  • Why does Jade keep her eye shadow looking so good at all times in the middle of a zombie apocalypse?
  • Final boss battle is strictly a quick time event.  Disappointing...
Games Similar to This:
  • Left 4 Dead (combat)
  • Fallout 3 (lockpicking)
  • Mirror's Edge (parkour mechanics)

Pros and Cons: Syd Matters - Someday We Will Foresee Obstacles

Basic Information:
Record Label:  Third Side Records
Genre:  Indie-folk
Release Date:  April 5, 2005

What You'll Love:
  • Beautiful and heartfelt performances from all members of the band
  • Great concept regarding a melancholy present and an optimism for the future
  • Incredible use of countermelody
  • Elements of 2000s electronica adds emotional buildups to already emotional pieces
  • Expertly composed; adding all of the right touches in the right places
  • Just about the perfect blend of textures (something that the genre often misses)
  • Despite being a French band, it's English lyrics are above average and, at times, inspirational
  • Simple, but thoughtful album artwork
What You'll Have Mixed or No Feelings About:
  • "Lost Bird" feels a little sub-par compared to the other great compositions on the album.
What You'll Hate.........Or Find Hilariously Bad:
  • As a whole, the album has very little variation in dynamics or meter.
  • The hidden track feels incredibly out of place.  It doesn't "match" the rest of the album's style which hurts what's clearly a concept album.
Music Similar to This:
  • Smashing Pumpkins ballads such as "By Starlight," "Spaceboy," "Galapogos," etc. but with better sung vocals
  • Radiohead songs like "No Surprises," "High and Dry"

Fallout 3 Character Abomination

With my patience dwindling for the Fallout 4 release, I decided to throw Fallout 3 back into my PS3 for another trip to the wasteland.  Since my first character was a master rifle marksman, computer hacker, lock picker, and negotiator, who took the most honorable and pious of paths, I decided to go a completely different route with this second character:

A joyous occasion indeed

Meet Serena:  a true disgrace to the universe.  A creature that makes Deathclaws look like beautiful and decent beings.  If the joker had a demon-spawn with a sumo wrestler, it would look something like this; only slightly prettier.  On Serena's birth certificate it states that she is Caucasian and female.  However, I see neither of those things in this organism.  In fact, it's suspected that she's actually part vampire because no matter how long she's in the wasteland sun, her pale white skin does not burn.  You go girl!

Upon taking the G.O.A.T. exam, Serena realized that she had the strength of a million oxen, the endurance of 10 triathletes, and the luck of 1 professional poker player.  However, as it turns out, Serena had the charisma of a super mutant, the intelligence of a radroach, and the agility: well, let's just say that she could hardly walk.  Corresponding to this, she realized that she would be great using big weapons, explosives, and melee weapons.  What a freak.

Upon breaking out of Vault 101, where she killed everyone she saw with a baseball bat, Serena went to the nearby town of Megaton where she immediately bludgeoned the sheriff to death patrolling the front gate.  When she was finished viciously murdering the kind-hearted sheriff, she wore his hat on her head to never take it off, even to this very day.

Along with the "sexy sleep wear" she stole
Serena continued to pillage every establishment and murder every resident in Megaton except for the obviously sinister Mister Burke whose orders she obeyed because she "liked causing suffering and senseless murder."  But because Mister Burke was blind as a bat and thought she was hot, Serena got some extra caps for blowing up the bomb in Megaton.

After being hailed a hero at Tenpenny Tower, Serena cut a straight path to the Slaver's camp at Paradise Falls where she realized her potential was not fully realized.  Why kill people right away if you can enslave them and cause them to suffer for much longer?

And to this day she continues to kill the weak and enslave the strong to take their pride; all because she got called "Clown Face" in 3rd grade.  Yeesh!

But if Mister Burke could find the beauty in this new found species, maybe beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder, no matter how much murder, robbery, pickpocketing, and slavery the person in-question has committed.

Both images are from my phone

Pros and Cons: PlayStation 4

Basic Information:
Brand:  Sony
Product Type:  Game Console
Release Date:  November 15, 2013

What You'll Love:
  • Built in screenshot and video capture software
  • Background updating, downloading, and installing
  • Music player can be used while playing any game (only certain games supported on PS3)
  • New rest mode allows for updating, controller charging, and in-game suspension while the system is off (similar to sleep mode on the PSP)
  • 500GB hard drive
What You'll Have Mixed or No Feelings About:
  • Currently, an unimpressive library of games (Xbox has the same problem)
  • Change in dashboard configuration
  • Touchpad on the controller is never used innovatively in gameplay
  • Microphone on the controller doesn't add much
  • There's a game sharing feature I'm never going to use
What You'll Hate.........Or Find Hilariously Bad:
  • No more free online play
  • Forced change to YouTube ID if linked to PSN account
  • Joystick pads designed in a way that makes them more likely to break
  • Useless controller light just drains battery life
  • Lower placement of PS button makes it more likely to be hit on accident if your thumb slips inwards
  • No function to save music onto the hard drive like you could with the PS3
  • Music player does not play wma format (holding a grudge against microsoft, I see...)
Consoles Similar to This:
  • Xbox One
  • Nintendo Wii U (but not really)

Pros and Cons: Hearts of Iron III

Basic Information:
Developer:  Paradox
Genre:  WWII Strategy, Simulation
Platform:  PC
Release Date:  Aug 7, 2009

What You'll Love:
  • The detail put into the main aspects of running a country during war-time
  • Historical detail and accuracy (generals from MacArthur to obscure 1 star generals are included for all major countries)
  • Large list of selectable countries (Can you repel the German invasion as Luxemborg?)
  • Any unit imaginable is recruitable with the right research (from infantry to tanks to battleships to submarines to bombers to men on horseback, this game has it all) 
  • The option to have certain aspects AI controlled for beginner players
  • Plays in real-time opposed to turn-based
What You'll Have Mixed or No Feelings About:
  • The addition of the espionage tab (whatever it's called)
  • Not much has changed since Hearts of Iron II
What You'll Hate.........Or Find Hilariously Bad:
  • Incredibly crash prone without an old version of Microsoft Visual C++ installed
  • Difficult to pick up and play even with AI help
  • The tutorial is incredibly insufficient
  • Interface is still counterintuitive in some parts
Games Similar to This:
  • Axis & Allies (1998)
  • Civilization games
  • The Third Reich (board game)

Pros and Cons: Final Fantasy Type-0 HD

Basic Information:
Developer:  Square Enix
Genre:  JRPG
Platform:  PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC
Release Date:  Mar 17, 2015 (Originally Oct 27, 2011 in Japan on PSP)

What You'll Love:
  • Fluid and diverse combat system/mechanics
  • Beautiful and incredibly detailed full-video cutscenes
  • Story that puts FF characters and lore through horrors of war
  • World map exploration very reminiscent of FF VII, VIII, and IX
  • One of the most inspired final dungeons in any RPG
  • 14 playable characters, 14 completely different battle styles
  • Relatively high level of difficulty
  • A ton of replay value
  • Comes with a download code for the Final Fantasy XV demo (Wait, does that count?)
What You'll Have Mixed or No Feelings About:
  • Main character voice acting
  • Like other FF games, the plot is convoluted and hard to follow
  • Excellent RTS style levels underutilized
  • Some melee attacks difficult to master, at first
  • Summoning involves human sacrifice
  • Experience level grinding required for main quests
  • 2 choices towards the end of the game, but only one of them gets you to the credits screen
  • Only FF game I know of to get an M rating from the ESRB
What You'll Hate.........Or Find Hilariously Bad:
  • Multi-player from the original absent
  • Some side character voice acting
  • Uses crystal lore from Final Fantasy XIII but doesn't explain it at all
  • HD remaster is lacking (mismatched lips, stiff faces, sub-par textures)
  • The concept of using magical playing cards as throwing stars
Games Similar to This:
  • Combat in Phantasy Star Portable
  • Level design in Resonance of Fate, Crisis Core:  Final Fantasy VII
  • Themes and characters in Valkyria Chronicles III
  • RTS levels, Brutal Legend 

Final Fantasy Type-0 HD

Yes, this card I'm holding
It's probably important to start this review off by stating that I am going to have a bias towards any Final Fantasy game due to my fandom of the series.  I mean, I'm not one of those guys that has a Yuna figurine on my shelf or cosplays with a giant buster sword, but I have played every main series Final Fantasy game (except for FFIII) and beaten most of the ones that I've played.  Now, I'm not a completely blind fan either.  There are plenty of games in the series that I dislike such as FFII for its short and boring story, FFXII for its annoying characters, broken battle system, and boring story, and, oh wait I actually don't hate FFXIII?  It definitely has problems but I ended up somewhat liking it.  I talk about it more in a previous post which you can read here.

Anyways, all of that aside, this post is about Final Fantasy Type-0 HD which is a mouthful to say so I will shorten it to FFT0 from here on out.  Now, implied by its title, you'd think that this game was an HD remaster of something and with that thought, you would be correct.  However, when this game came out, being a die-hard Final Fantasy fan, I could only wonder how I have never heard of this game before.  Well, the answer is simple.  It was a Japan only release... on the PSP... in 2011.  Why no NA release?  That is a damn good question because, as a PSP RPG, this game is awesome (well, I'm guessing).  It's the only PSP RPG I know of that has world exploration (other than Dissidia Duodecim which had very limited world exploration).  Though, I'm not here to review the PSP version because I've never played it.

The HD remaster for Playstation 4 is pretty awesome despite falling short in many areas.  Why?  Well, because it does a lot of things awesomely too.  Readers at home, which should I start with first?  The bad stuff or the good stuff?  Well, since there's no interactivity with this, that last question was completely pointless and I will make the decision.  I'll start with the bad stuff because I have more to say about the good stuff than the bad stuff.

As an HD remaster, this game falls short just about everywhere.  Unlike the well done Final Fantasy X/X-2 remaster, this game did not get the same attention to detail.  Sure, FFT0 was not nearly as popular as FFX, but I think part of this is due to the platform of the original source material.  Playstation 2 games generally have better graphics than PSP games so in order to make FFT0 an effective remaster, it would have to make much greater improvements than the FFX remaster.  Long story short, it doesn't.  Some portions look decently improved like caves, character models, and battle environments but others such as ground textures and some building textures look like they belong back on the PSP.

As far as the NA localization, this wasn't done very good either.  Main character voice acting is very hit or miss.  Some of the voice actors sound like actual people conversing while others sound like they were dropped in from an alien spaceship right before delivering their lines.  Side character voice acting is about the same except for the commandant.  His voice acting is hilariously bad to the point where you will laugh out loud at your television even when trying to hold it in.  His only tone of voice in any situation sounds like he is shouting while closing his throat which results in a combination of a snarling dog and a chain smoker turned up to eleven all of the time.

Some scenes in the NA version (at the very least) have no voice acting at all.  If you play this game (which I recommend you do) be sure to turn on the subtitles otherwise you will have some cutscenes that involve people sitting there with no dialogue at all.

The characters themselves will be a matter of preference.  Characters like Cinque, a brain dead bimbo, and Nine, a meat head who says "yo" a lot, will definitely annoy some players.  However, if you liked characters in previous Final Fantasy games, you will find that these two characters among others are a nice breath of comic relief in what is an incredibly dark and heavy game.

The rest of the complaints I have revolve around the story, which isn't much because I actually really like the story in this game.  As a quick background, the story takes place in a world where people draw their magical powers from their nation's crystal.  In order to do this though, the people basically treat the crystals as gods and do what is requested of them by their respective crystal.  In some instances, this involves becoming what is essentially a demi-god called a l'cie and fulfilling a goal called a focus that the crystal gives you.  If you complete your goal before dying, you will be incased in crystal which is considered a huge honor, I guess.

All of what I just explained to you is never explained in this game.  The only reason why I am familiar with it is from playing FFXIII which has very similar lore and terminology.  If you go into this game without knowing the FFXIII lore, you will be hopelessly lost right from the get-go because this game just throws around terms like l'cie and focus without explaining any of them at all.  Final Fantasy games have a history of telling convoluted story lines but this is pretty ridiculous.  As a Final Fantasy fan, I actually kind of enjoy the convoluted story telling because it gives the game a bigger feeling of awe and wonder.  But without the background on the crystal lore, it's just out of control.  Otherwise, this game's convolutedness is about on par with other Final Fantasy games, whatever that is worth to you.

Which, on that train of thought, this game's plot is definitely peppered with plot holes.  I guess it kind of comes along with the convolution but there's one that just drives me nuts that I can explain to you without spoiling anything.  Early on in the game (right after the very first level) you learn that one of the defining characteristics of this world is that people get immediately forgotten after they die due to the crystals' influence in order to eliminate the grief caused by losing loved ones.  In fact, this is such the case that on multiple occasions throughout the game, right after a boss battle, the boss will have their final words, then die, then immediately one of the main characters will remark that they can't remember what they were talking about or to whom.  So, this is some pretty strong shit.  But then there are other times, like the opening cutscene of the game, where someone that Ace knows of dies and his classmate, Queen, asks him if he wants to take a moment to mourn before moving on to the next mission objective.  There are two problems with this.  One, they should have immediately forgotten who that corpse was that was laying on the ground as soon as he died.  Two, if they forget everyone who dies, how could they possibly know what mourning is if they never had any reason or inclination to do it?  Sometimes dead people are remembered due to written records and documentation so that explains some of the plot holes (especially if the person who died is a major political figure). But the one I just described wouldn't be explained by that because even if Ace wrote the guy's name on a piece of paper, there would be no emotional attachment to the name because he wouldn't be able to remember the person associated with the written name.  He would need a whole diary to even get a single drip from a tear duct.

I swear officer, I don't remember!

Phew.  I had more to say about the bad stuff than I thought...

On the flip side of all of that, like I said, I actually really like the story.  It's probably my favorite Final Fantasy story since FFX.  The story centers around an elite group of cadets called Class Zero, who are basically being trained to specialize in combat specifically to prevent the world's apocalypse foretold in a prophecy.  However, their nation, The Dominion, is on the brink of losing a war with their neighbors The Militesi Empire so they get deployed to fight in the war despite just being teenage kids.  The game has a lot to say about real-world issues such as the horrors of war, the use of WMDs, the impact of war on society, blind faith, and imperialism; to name a few.  It does this while telling a very compelling, if convoluted, story about the camaraderie of the cadets and dealing with the heavy burdens placed on them by the various powers of the world.  Without spoiling anything else, I like it a lot and am glad that this approach to Final Fantasy has been taken.

This game is incredibly gritty for a Final Fantasy game, demonstrating the horrors of war at every opportunity.  In fact, one of the first things you will notice when purchasing this game is that it gets an M rating from the the ESRB which I believe would make it the first M rating for any Final Fantasy game.  Why does it get an M rating?  Well, you'll find out very fast that this game has a lot of blood.  The opening cutscene starts with a guy stumbling in the street trying to keep his guts from falling out and encounters enemies.  But he then gets saved by his trusty chocobo whose beautiful golden feathers are spotted red from blood.  Yeah, never thought you would see that in a Final Fantasy game did ya?

Poor chocobo gets shot shortly after
Oh yeah, and the amount of blood and destruction only increases from there.  Just wait until the end of the game...

Moving along, the combat mechanics are excellent.  They're not the greatest but they are very good nonetheless.  Animations are all fluid and polished while a lot of fun.  There are a total of 14 students in Class Zero.  12 are the original students named after playing cards (2-9, Jack, Queen, King, Ace) and two more, Machina and Rem, are added after the first level.  In a typical mission, you can have three cadets in combat at once while the other 11 stay in the reserve unit to take the place of any cadet that falls in combat.  Of the three cadets in combat, you control one at a time in a very action oriented kind of gameplay.  You can run, dodge, attack, and use special moves depending on what abilities you have equipped to your character.  However, you can't jump which can get annoying in some situations.

The character customization is one of the areas where this game really shines.  Each of the 14 playable characters are unique from one another in combat style and weapon type usage so there is definitely a character in this game that you can have fun using in combat.  Because each character has a different fighting class, they also have different special attacks that you can unlock using AP which you obtain by earning experience points and leveling up.  At any one time, a single character can have 2 moves equipped.  The way you allocate these slots it completely up to you.  You can have 2 special moves, 1 special move and a magic attack, or 2 magic attacks (if that character has the dual-cast perk).  Like other RPGs, magic consumes MP.  Special moves consume another bar that I don't know the name of that refills whenever you strike enemies with your regular attack.  Each character also has 2 equipment slots and a support spell slot where you can equip a cure spell, protect spell, etc, or a block which doesn't consume MP.

Now, if this seems like a lot to take in.  It kind of is.  Inventory and character management can get overwhelming when trying to constantly optimize 14 characters all at the same time.  But it does keep things fresh and interesting constantly dealing with different characters instead of the same few characters over and over.

Now, you might think that this game is pretty easy if you have three people in your party and eleven in reserve if you die.  Well, you couldn't be more wrong because you will die, a lot.  Most levels are difficult to get through without at least one casualty which means you have to be tactful along with skilled at dodging to survive.  Even if you are a much higher level than the enemy you are versing, there are some enemies that have moves that kill you in one hit; most bosses have a move that they frequently use that is an automatic kill.  Also, there is a status ailment in this game called "killsight" that will allow any enemy to kill you in one hit with any attack.  So you can see how shit becomes tense.

In one of the earlier levels in the game, you will gain access to eidolons (also called summons in other FF games) to help you out in tight spots.  They are player controlled and incredibly powerful so they're incredibly satisfying and, of course, fun to use for the minute or so they are available before they disappear.  The trade off is that you have to kill yourself to summon an eidolon.  Yup, that's right.  This is the only FF game where summoning requires human sacrifice.  This is certainly an aspect I could see a lot of evangelists having a problem with if they weren't scared away by the blood and violence already.  In games like FFVIII, you can basically spam summons without any repercussion other than watching an excessively long cutscene.  However, this game really makes you consider the consequences of using an eidolon since you have a limited number of cadets that can die before you lose.  On the plus side, you should be able to figure out how to exploit Rem's "Undying Wish" ability rather quickly.  It doesn't cast Reraise on you for long but it's enough time for you to summon an eidolon.  When your eidolon vanishes or dies, then Rem will revive and you can repeat the process to keep summoning.  It's probably not in your best interest to exploit this too much though because each time Rem dies, it adds a casualty to the mission report which means lower grade, which means worse items and less money awarded.  Also, you won't level up any of your characters this way which will screw you in the end because the final dungeon doesn't let you summon any eidolons at all.

Speaking of which, the final dungeon in this game is incredibly inspired.  Definitely one of my favorite final dungeons and definitely one of my favorite endings to any video game.  I won't spoil it but I really enjoyed the ending to this game.

Some of the optional levels are called regional campaign missions and pretty effectively mix action gameplay and RTS together.  Basically, these levels involve The Dominion trying to capture multiple cities at once so you fight and direct troops from the world map view which is a pretty cool touch to an already awesome game.  These levels are a lot of fun but I definitely feel like they could have done a little more regarding difficulty as it is never hard to figure out what you're supposed to do to beat the level.  Also, I beat every single one of these levels without using anything other than the Blaze unit type.  They should throw situations at you where you basically have to use the other unit types.  But yeah, pretty cool to see something like this in a FF game.  It reminded me a lot of the game Brutal Legend for those of you who have played that.

To wrap things up, some other things that this game does well is world map exploration.  Since it was originally done on the PSP, the world map is dialed back quite a bit.  However, it's done in the same style as FFVII, FFVIII, and FFIX so it was very nostalgic exploring a world map like this and I found myself enjoying it quite a bit.  This game also has a ton of replay value.  On the second playthrough, you'll be able to complete dungeons and levels that you were previously not high enough of a level to complete.  Also, on the second playthrough, each main mission will have an alternate mission that you can complete instead that will give you a more complete picture of the story.  Basically, this game beckons you to play it a second time, giving you a lot of value for your dollar.  Also, it comes with the FFXV demo.  What did I think of that?  It was really good actually.  If the actual FFXV plays anything like the demo, we're in for one hell of a game.

So, that was Final Fantasy Type-0 HD.  I really recommend this game to anyone who is a Final Fantasy fan and would really push others to give it a try as well since it effectively breaks the boundaries of traditional RPGs and gives you a truly unique and fun experience.  I'm already on my third playthrough and I'm still enjoying it as much as when I picked it up.  So maybe you will too.

Cover Image:
Memory Issue image:  In-game screenshot taken by me
Chocobo Image:  In-game screenshot taken by me

Pros and Cons: Rocket League

I'm not a pro or anything so I'm gonna take this opportunity to celebrate
Ugh.  So satisfying
Anyways, here's what's good and bad about Rocket League

Basic Information:
Developer:  Psyonix
Genre:  Sports
Platform:  PlayStation 4, PC
Release Date:  Jul 7, 2015

What You'll Love:
  • Soccer with cars that can jump, flip, and have jet engines on the back
  • Hilariously awkward gameplay, especially with novice players
  • Rules and objectives are simple and to the point
  • Controls are simple to pickup and play
  • Detailed car editor
What You'll Have Mixed or No Feelings About:
  • No option to change game length (one period of five minutes per match)
  • Inability to change quick messages (the defaults are fine though)
What You'll Hate.........Or Find Hilariously Bad:
  • AI teammates often leave goals wide open for no reason or score on themselves
  • Servers were down about half of the time at launch
  • Cannot search ranked and unranked matches at the same time (I don't care about my stats, I just want to PLAY!!!)
  • Both camera options can be frustrating since they follow the car so close
  • Matchmaking can take a painfully long amount of time
  • In-game lag can be horrid
Games Similar to This:
  • ATV Offroad Fury 4 (Ice Hockey mini game)

Pros and Cons: Muse - Drones

Basic Information:
Record Label:  Warner Bros.
Genre:  Alternative
Release Date:  June 5, 2015

What You'll Love:
  • Guitar work on "Reapers" will remind old fans of Absolution tracks
  • Some well-written and beautifully sung harmonies throughout
  • Interesting synth counter-melodies
  • "Revolt" has an incredibly catchy pop-rock chorus
  • "The Globalist" is incredibly inspired, well-written, well-performed, etc.
  • Awesome cover art
What You'll Have Mixed or No Feelings About:
  • "Dead Inside" is a less interesting version of recent Muse hits like "Panic Station" and "Resistance"
  • "The Handler" sounds like it could fit in on Showbiz but a little slower than it should be; mundane vocals
  • "Drones" is a decent showcase of Matt's singing ability and a decent sendoff to a sub-par album
  • Lyrics are rather hit or miss throughout the whole album.
  • More guitar driven than previous few albums but riffs tend to sound assembly line manufactured.
  • It's better than 2nd Law, but that's not saying much
What You'll Hate.........Or Find Hilariously Bad:
  • "Psycho" has the worst lyrics this band have ever produced put on top of a boring blues-rock riff.
  • Very little of this album sounds like the metal and emo inspired beginnings of the band, which was what was advertised in interviews prior to the album's release.
  • Excessive use of falsetto.  Anti-climactic parts are emphasized for no reason and make you laugh when you hear them.
  • Many of the five minute songs on this album overstay their welcome after the first two
  • This album could have been a great if the rest of it came close to "The Globalist."  Too bad...
Music Similar to This:
  • Rage Against the Machine (guitar riffs)
  • General techno (synth lines)
  • Michael Jackson (falsetto)

Muse - Drones

That's actually a pretty cool concept
Being that this is Muse's seventh studio album, a listener should expect a band to change a bit from their original sound.  Of course, everyone knows that Muse has morphed from cocoon to butterfly a few times through their career and they set out to do that again with Drones.

What's different about this time though is that the goal was to revert to one of the previous butterflies (we're still using this metaphor?).  Did they succeed?  Well, yes and no.  It's kind of like they used the same mother as the past but let some kind of Michael Jackson/Techno DJ father get involved.

That sounds like it could be interesting, right?  Yeah, you would think.  But, when it comes down to it, this album is just boring.  The biggest snooze fest that we've had from Muse so far.  Just about every song feels phoned in.  It's like they sat down in the studio and realized that they didn't have any new ideas so they came up with (or possibly stole) some Rage Against the Machine guitar riffs, had Matt do some random falsetto stuff, and called it a day.  Just about every song feels like this.

Now, for Muse fans, this isn't necessarily bad.  If Muse can do what Muse does best, then they should do it.  However, even when compared to previous songs, it's just not as good.  Everything seems to lack excitement, passion, and inspiration.

A good example of this would be "The Handler."  This song has a decent hard rock riff (but mostly unmemorable) with pacing that would fit in on Muse's debut album Showbiz.  However, the tempo is a touch slow and Matt Bellamy's vocals are toned down for no good reason.  "Dead Inside" will remind you of "Panic Station" (which I hated) but it's not even as good as "Panic Station" because it just drags on for the longest 4:22 you ever heard with poor transitions and boring instrumentals.

The worst song on the album is "Psycho" which has, by far, the worst lyrics I have ever heard in a Muse song and is probably a top contender for worst lyrics in an alternative song this year.  It's bad, I mean, really bad.  When the emphasized part of the chorus is "Your ass is mine," I can't help but to be reminded of some even worse lyrical content revolved around female behinds.

But I digress.  "Psycho" isn't bad exclusively for it's lyrics; it's also bad instrumentally.  If you want to talk about how this album is phoned in, this song sounds more phoned in than the rest.  Just try to imagine the simplest, most overused, blues riff that you've ever heard and you can't come up with one as boring and as cliche as the riff in "Psycho."  And if you thought "Dead Inside" dragged on, "Psycho" infests itself for a whole 5:16, three minutes more than it probably should.  It suffers from the same problem as "Madness" from the previous album.  Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat, Repeat...for all eternity or until 5:16 is up.  But beware, as you get closer to the 5:16 mark, time may slow down and your sanity may lessen.

Moving on, one of the most annoying things that happens throughout this album is the obnoxious use of falsetto.  Being a Muse fan, I'm no stranger to falsetto and think that Matt is very good at it.  However, this album just over uses it.  Frequently, Matt will sing a one note falsetto in the middle of a verse for seemingly no reason.  Falsetto works best at climactic parts in a song whether it is right before a chorus, at the end of a chorus, or at the climax in the bridge where it's time to show your stuff, so to speak.  But more than a few times during this album Matt will sing a one note falsetto right in the middle of a line in the verse.  It sounds so out of place that you would swear that Matt's voice was actually cracking during the take and they left it in.  It's dumb;  I don't like it;  I don't get it;  It's annoying as shit.

The album does have some good qualities.  Throughout the album, you will hear some pretty awesome synth lines which really put the cherry on top.  However, if you're putting the cherry on top of a pile of boring old grits, it's probably not going to do much.  The same goes for the harmonies.  Matt does an excellent job throughout the album layering his voice two, three, sometimes four times over with different harmony parts which turn out beautifully.

If you like pop-rock, Muse stretches their bounds with the song "Revolt" which has an incredibly catchy 4 chord pop chorus.  Why this song wasn't a single over "Psycho" is beyond me.

By far, the best part of this album is the song "The Globalist."  It's interesting because this particular song is what a Muse fan would have hoped that this album would have been like throughout.  "The Globalist" is a ten minute opus combining various movements involving western music, a slow part that will remind fans of "Sing for Absolution," harsh and powerful hard-rock guitar work that will give you a thrashing like "Stockholm Syndrome" did, piano work that reminds you of the brilliance of "Butterflies and Hurricanes" and "United States of Eurasia."  The choir and orchestral accompaniment is just perfect.  The vocals are beautifully sung.  The drums transition in and out of each section masterfully.  You can feel the inspiration and emotion at every turn in this song.  It lives up to its lyrical content in every way where the protagonist of the album gets vengeance by using his new found authority to unleash nuclear annihilation against the country that sent drones to kill his family.  It's a very emotional and conflicted end to a decent idea for a concept album.

Too bad the rest of the album didn't live up.

Drones sounds mostly like a b-sides album.  From the outset, it sounds like songs that couldn't make the cut on the last few albums and only get worse as you explore them further.  It's lackluster, uninteresting, but mostly, it just exists and doesn't really do much else other than disappoint Muse fans.

Except for "The Globalist" check that out RIGHT NOW!!!  It got taken down from YouTube for copyright reasons (probably) but here's a link where you can listen to it.

Cover image:

Pros and Cons Series Announcement

Hey guys, I know I haven't put any content out in awhile but I have been working on stuff on and off including a review of Muse's not-so-new album which I will be posting on Thursday.

I would also like to announce a new series I'm starting called Pros and Cons.  These are basically going to be mini reviews organized into bulleted lists of what's good or not good in a particular medium.  This way I can get my thoughts out on more of the various media that I have been experiencing instead of just one written review whenever I get around to it.

Also, I think it will be great for those of you who would rather not read my lengthy reviews and would rather just have a quick rundown of what I thought of various aspects of whatever I was reviewing.

For every regular review, I also plan on doing a Pros and Cons (as you might have guessed from the previous paragraph).  For instance, I have a Muse review being posted on Thursday but I will follow it up with a Pros and Cons list being posted on Friday.  So every regular review will have a complementary Pros and Cons followup but not every Pros and Cons will have a regular review.

And that's really about it.  For the few of you who actually look at these, I hope you enjoy these upcoming Pros and Cons posts.

Till tomorrow...

RDR: Undead Nightmare is a Decent Spin on the Original with a Shitty Patch

I don't think I ever could have anticipated what would happen when I put this bad boy in.

Basically, as soon as you start getting into the core gameplay of Red Dead Redemption:  Undead Nightmare, it's glitches galore!  The first thing I noticed was people spawning with their heads and arms missing.  This wouldn't even be a big deal except that when the game spawns them, they also get spawned as their own faction.  What I mean by this is that during missions (particularly when saving a town) not only will you have to kill the zombies to pass, you will also have to kill the headless civilians.  This becomes difficult as they will often flee from town during the zombie attack.  If they get too far away, eventually they disappear forcing you to fail saving the town.  On top of that, what is particularly interesting is that the civilians without heads but with guns will help you shoot zombies but also shoot at you.  So basically, you have a three faction clusterfuck that isn't supposed to be happening.

After this happens, if you try to save the game, you will only get a black screen that forces you to restart the game, hoping that auto-save didn't set you back too far.

In addition to these main glitches, the game also has many, many, many visual glitches.  Zombies will also appear without heads or arms, people and zombies will occasionally go through walls, my horse's hooves even disappeared (though the horse shoes were still present).

I searched the internet about what was going on here and apparently it was only the latest update of the game that was causing all of these problems.  Turns out, this is actually true which blew my mind.  Never have I seen an update that messes up the game this much.  In fact, though there are updates that have bugs that need to be quickly fixed, none that I know of have ever caused a game to go from fine to unplayable.  I'm not sure exactly what they were trying to fix because when I deleted the patch from my Playstation 3, the game ran fine with no apparent glitches.

The only issue with deleting the patch was with my actual console.  Since I didn't have the most recent update installed for the game, the PS3 felt the need to keep reminding me that there was an update available about every 15-20 minutes while playing the game.  So, I had to disconnect my system from the internet to finish this one out.

Overall, it isn't great.  The gameplay is fun but a little easy since you can basically abuse the "Dead Eye" feature, an ability to slow down time making headshots really easy.  The graphics look pretty good once you delete the patch.  There's a decent variety of weapons that allow you to kill zombies in a multitude of ways including throwing axes and stationary Gatling guns.  The story is pretty basic but there are a few laughs to be had.  Now, despite the horror based lore, the game does occur in the same continuum as the original, chronologically being a prequel (except for the end which occurs after the events of the original).  Other than that, this game doesn't offer much else.  It's open world but a lot of it is filled with empty space or cacti.  It's a decent spin on the original so if you liked that and want to expand a bit on that experience, this will probably be up your alley.

Don't be surprised though at the run length.  When I played it, my run time ran a little short of 7 hours and that included fighting the glitches at the beginning and doing all of the side quests.  However, I didn't save all the towns though because I didn't see the point.  Strategically, only saving a few towns is worth your while for fast-travel purposes.  But yeah, the game length is a little short in an age where even garden variety shooters can reach 20 hours of total gameplay time.

For five bucks?  Yeah I would give this a go.  The latest update for the game hasn't been corrected for about five months now (at least that's what I gathered based on various forums) so, if you expect that patch to be fixed, I think you're sorely mistaken.  However, if you don't install the patch, it's a decent 6-7 hours of gameplay.

To play online, I would've had to install the patch.  I didn't bother.

Angus & Julia Stone - Self Titled

"Hehe, he'll never know about this picture."
Anyone who talks to me frequently has probably heard me complain about indie and how surprisingly stale of a genre it has become in recent years.  Indie used to be a genre that you could turn to and be guaranteed to hear something different than the status quo.  Especially with the recent rise in the indie-pop sub genre, I have noticed just how redundant indie has become.  Then again, if you take the most redundant genre, pop, and mix it with the least redundant genre, there's a chance that it's still just going to be redundant.  You can make an argument that I'm just a hater but the indie-pop genre is something that I really wanted to like.  I mean, I tried really hard.  I didn't just give it a chance, I kept going back over and over hoping that there would be some variety.  For the past few years, my local alternative station has become a haven for indie-pop, and I kept wishing that all of the songs would stop sounding the same.

It didn't happen.

Sure there are a few exceptions, but the truth is that there really is a lack of creativity.  In all honesty, I think it's a genre that has lots of potential to break the walls of compositional confinement.  However, it's really the exact opposite.  Like in regular pop music, many of the singers and instrumentalists are incredibly interchangeable and I often get them confused since most of them fall within the same cultural stereotypes.

Angus & Julia Stone are one of the few groups to rise up and make the genre their own instead of trying to drag their career along with catchy pop-synth progressions.  Although I think that their genre would be better defined as indie-folk, they definitely have a fair number of songs that are driven by indie-pop elements.

It may be easy to assume that Angus and Julia are husband and wife due to sharing the last name, but they are actually brother and sister; which makes you feel incredibly awkward after making the mistake unless... <insert redneck joke here>  The duo started making guitar driven music together in their home country of Australia in 2006, but didn't come out with a self-titled album until 2014.  However, they did have several releases before this one.

This brings us to what I want to talk about today.  Although Angus & Julia Stone have seen a fair amount of success with some of their previous singles such as "Big Jet Plane" and "Paper Aeroplane," based on what I have heard of their earlier material, they are still a duo that gets better and better with each release.

Angus & Julia Stone's self-titled album starts with a song that is relatively up-tempo.  "A Heartbreak" is actually rather r&b based at its roots with the tonality of the guitars and the swing feel of the drum kit.  It's a pretty solid song and I can see why they made a music video for it as it's pretty catchy.  However, I don't think it's the best of what this album has to offer.

A better song is "Grizzly Bear," the third track on the album.  Like "A Heartbreak," it as a bit of an r&b feel particularly in the keyboard, bass, and drum kit as they are very flowing and lightly accented.  Although the lyrical content is pretty average in this song, this one really comes together instrumentally.  The lead guitar almost never repeats the same thing twice and complements the laid-back rhythm section incredibly well.  On top of that, the chorus is downright infectious.  I bet after two or three listens to this song, you'll be strolling by singing "ba-baba-ba-ba---ba" at least in your head, if not out loud.

Some days watching a television of static from the worst angle is all I got too

It's not until the fifth song "Wherever You Are" that you realize how talented this duo really is.  You won't hear Julia wail out the high notes or Angus shred on the guitar but the textures that they create with their voices and guitar playing are really just outstanding.  Although trained singers would frown upon Julia's half-whispers as they are a clear indication that she is singing straight from the throat instead of down from the diaphragm, I think that the style greatly enhances their sound and distances them from other indie-pop singers that, more-or-less, sound the same.  The guitar-work is also incredibly heartfelt.  Every note feels like it was cherished and nurtured before making a sound.  This song is actually my favorite on the album as both Julia and Angus emote incredibly well.  It also has some of the best lyrics that the album has to offer.  If there's any song you should check out on this album, it's definitely this one.

"I could live in your old car with a broken stereo.  I want to be wherever, wherever you are."

This album is incredibly good in what it sets out to do and bringing quality music to the table.  Indie-pop is a genre that I had basically given up on and even though this isn't exactly indie-pop, it still has proven that the genre can do better than it's doing now as, in my opinion, this is way better than the indie-pop that is being played on the radio.  I highly recommend this album to anyone regardless of music taste as I never thought I would enjoy this style of music as much as I did.  Without a doubt in my mind, this is my favorite album from 2014.  The quality of music never drops off despite having over an hour's worth of material on it.  The only critique I have of this album is the occasionally average lyrics.  However, the majority of the lyrics are above-average and, at times, show brilliance.  When the lyrics are more typical, it's still easy to give it a pass because the songs are so expertly performed.


Anti-Flag - American Spring

The flip side is an American
soldier covered with the flower
With American Spring, Anti-Flag continues a tradition of spirited, political-fueled punk that we don't really see other punk bands doing in the current decade (I talk about this more in my hardcore punk post which you can view here if you didn't read it already).  From the 1996 album Die For The Government to this most recent release, Anti-Flag's sound has changed quite a bit.  However, both styles are definitely worth checking out.

For instance, Die For the Government is a very fast tempo, erratic, gritty version of the Anti-Flag that is heard on American Spring which is mostly moderato, polished guitars, and stylized more as a series of punk anthems opposed to violent and destructive hardcore.  A lot of bands mellow out a bit as they get older and Anti-Flag is no exception as this album definitely brings it down a bit.

Now, one tradition that Anti-Flag has kept constant over their lifespan is the incredibly packed lyrics booklet that comes included with each album.  I always purchase hard copies of albums opposed to digital downloads and part of it is because sometimes the lyrics booklets can include some interesting material.  Whether it's the interesting artwork in Smashing Pumpkin's Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness or the stylized writing itself like in many of the Rancid albums, they can be pretty interesting to look at.  Anti-Flag takes it their own direction and not only has the lyrics for their songs but also the inspiration or explanation of each song which can prove to be an interesting read.

Inspiration for "Fabled World"

As far as the actual music on this album?  It's pretty good.  You won't really find tracks that kick your ass like Die For the Government but the songs are still well-written and make their points clear.

Anti-Flag seems to have a knack for coming up with great album starters.  "I'd Tell You But..." from For Blood and Empire sets the tone of the album rather nicely by giving a voice to Iraqi civilian casualties.  Of course there is also the fan favorite "Turncoat" from The Terror State, an accusatory piece that points its finger directly at the current president of the time George W. Bush.  Joining the list is "Fabled World," a piece about how wealthy corporate leaders use their power to increase their wealth as the other economic classes continue to suffer and how past and present racism and classism bear a correlation.  The song, like the other album starters, uses a catchy guitar lead and very clearly sets the tone for how the rest of the album is going to be.  The Terror State is accusatory, For Blood and Empire is exclamatory, and American Spring is mainly a proclamation.

For those of you who only like faster punk songs, "The Great Divide" is about the only faster song on this album.  Otherwise, you probably wouldn't like this album.

As far as which songs are great, it's mainly the singles.  "Fabled World" is really good along with "Brandenburg Gate" and "Sky is Falling."  "Sky is Falling" is one of my favorites on the album as it really captures the hopeless feeling tied with the civilian perspective of war.  It also has a fantastic lead guitar part which amplifies the angry-depressive nature of the song.

A lot of the rest of the album are pretty general Anti-Flag songs.  Anti-Flag fans will enjoy all of them but other punk fans will probably shrug their shoulders, especially ones that do not particularly care for politically-driven punk music.  I think that "Without End" is a pretty great listen though.  I think it's about the lives that war ruins; the civilians, the soldiers with PTSD, the families whose father never comes home, etc.

Overall, a solid album, especially for Anti-Flag fans.  For those unfamiliar with Anti-Flag's music, I would check out the singles and then give The Terror State a listen first as it is their best album.

Lyric booklet picture is from my phone camera.

Dragon Age: Inquisition

Wait, isn't the anchor on his left hand?
Leave it to EA to get the cover
of their own game wrong
You know, there just really isn't a whole lot to say about this game.  It's good but it's not great or anything like that.

I think the best way to describe this game is that it's like eating macaroni and cheese.  It tastes pretty good and you might even say, "Damn!  That's good!"  But, it's not particularly new or ground breaking in any kind of way.  Sure, it's expanded a bit on what we've seen in other games, but it's not giving hardcore RPG players anything particularly new to cheer about.

Just about everything Dragon Age:  Inquisition does, it does pretty well.  The graphics look like they belong on this generation.  The levels vary in size from one room dungeons to expansive countrysides and coastlines.  Textures look detailed which, considering how large some of the levels are, is pretty impressive how far the technology has come.  Character design is incredibly detailed particularly in the facial features where small scars are evident to the casual cutscene viewer.  In fact, there is no drop in graphical quality between cutscenes and gameplay; which I suppose has become pretty typical at this point.  Most animations are very fluid but the jump animation looks hilarious and horse riding is stiff.  There were a few glitches that I experienced but when someone puts 80 hours into a game, they're bound to find a few.

Where this game falls a little flat is in the combat and plot.  The combat is fine but we're really not experiencing anything new here.  No matter which class you select in the character creation, the controls are the same.  There's one button for normal attacks and the others are for special moves that expend mana/skill points.  Oh and there are also limit breaks, something else that definitely isn't new.  Based on the combat, this game was definitely meant for PC play.  On PS4, you can map eight different special skill/spell slots (X, Circle, Square, Triangle, and L2 + the aforementioned buttons), which I'm certain on PC would be the numbered buttons 1 through 0 or you could simply click the icons like in just about any other PC MMO.  Fortunately, in this game, you will be able to beat the game before even unlocking more than ten special skills/spells.  The downside:  there aren't very many moves to unlock unless if you want to needlessly level grind.

Other than that, not much more to the regular combat than that.  No blocking, dodging, etc.  You can run away though.  There's another mode of combat where you can give direct commands to all four members of your party from an overhead view for a more tactical experience.  However, most of the time, this is not only an unnecessary approach but also a waste of time as it takes much longer to win a battle this way.

The story is painfully average.  And it's actually a shame because there was clearly a lot of thought that went into this plot.  There are plenty of factions, characters, and their interactions with one another to understand, but ultimately, it just gets really convoluted trying to remember all of these people and nations and what their motivations are.  It all feels pretty useless anyways because it really just boils down to one thing anyways.  You see that guy over there?  You need to go kill him because he wants to do bad shit and has already done some bad shit.

In fact, like some other RPGs, the side quests and character quests were much more interesting than the main quests.  In the main quests, it just furthers the motivation of the main enemies of the game and what they are doing to stop them.  But in the side quests, we learn a lot more about the main characters of the game and where they come from, what their desires are, what they want from life, etc.

There's another feature in the game where you can tell your ambassador, army commander, and spy master to do stuff.  This is way less interesting than it sounds though.  You just click on stuff on a map and a timer gets started until they finish the tasks.  You'll want to do these because they unlock side quests and such but it's really boring.  It feels more like a free-to-play android game than what should be an interesting extra in a good RPG.

The best part of this game is the decision making.  It feels like you can take the story in an infinite number of different directions.  The main plot remains the same but there are a lot of nuances you can change along the way depending on who you become closest to or what side quests you decide to do.  Even aspects of the character creation affect the plot.  For instance, I chose for my main character to be the mage class which, unbeknownst to me, would result in just about everyone in the game being skeptical of my character since, in this universe, just about everyone dislikes the mages because some of them are murdering assholes.

Overall, not a bad game, but not a great one either.  What it does, it does well and I'm sure there are plenty of RPG players out there that enjoy it since it's well executed.  I had a lot of fun playing it as well but because it felt similar to a lot of RPGs I have played before, it began to feel a bit stale about 40 hours in.  I would still recommend it though as this game has plenty to offer and gets right all of the cliches we've seen in other RPGs such as crafting, item hoarding, and the stereotypical character classes such as tank, rogue, warrior, mage, etc.

But yeah, if you're looking for solid execution in a more or less typical RPG, you should check this out.  If you want an RPG that's a bit more unique and innovative, I would give this one a pass.


Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Asunder, Sweet And Other Distress

And the herd repeats...
Godspeed You! Black Emperor, the Canadian post-rock band, had released an album earlier this year.

It's *yawn* okay.

There's definitely nothing bad to say about this album other than it's pretty boring.  It's a four track album with all of the boredom residing in the middle two tracks.  I'm sure there are plenty of hipsters out there that would say that I just don't get the brilliance of the composition.  Maybe they're right; I don't know.  Let me try to explain why I think this album is boring.

I guess I'll start by saying that the two middle tracks really are the only problem on this album.  The first track "Peasantry or 'Light! Inside of Light!'" is really awesome!  It definitely stands up to some of their best songs, no doubt.  The closing "Piss Clowns are Trebled" is also really good.  They both have interesting guitar melodies and harmonies which are very reminiscent of what the band does best.  The textures are also incredibly interesting, with the violin being just gut-wrenching at times; clashing with the tonic guitars with their non-tonic tendencies.  Basically, I really enjoyed these two pieces and would recommend that you at least check them out.

The middle two songs, "Lamb's Breath" and "Asunder, Sweet" are a combined 16 minutes and 30 seconds of nihilism.  The only way you could be more nihilistic is if you wrote something similar to John Cage's "4' 33''," a piece that is purely silence.  Neither of these middle two pieces have a sense of melody, which in turn, means no sense of harmony, counter-melody, or key.  This isn't even that much of a problem if you like really progressive music.

However, these two pieces fall flat in one other major way which would even leave ambient music fans disappointed:  the textures in these two middle pieces are just unimaginative.  It mostly sounds like someone who put their electric guitar down and forgot to turn off the amp, a keyboard player that fell asleep with his head on a single key, and a rhythm section that is just flat out absent.

If you're going to talk about filler in an album, I don't know of a better example than this.  If there was any composition at all in the middle two tracks, it was lazy.  Throughout the middle 16 minutes and 30 seconds, the textures hardly ever change and the dynamics are stiff.  The performance is mundane and uninspired.  And this is a real shame because this is a band that gave us incredible compositions and performances in the past but in these two middle songs, the most work was clearly done in the editing/post-production.  But without much to work with, it leaves the middle of this album rather lack-luster, at best.  It probably would have actually been pretty cool if it was reduced to a 3 to 5 minute interlude.  Unfortunately, I think I would have to be stoned in order to not fall asleep during this snooze fest.

Perhaps I am wrong as I am not a particular fan of ambient music, but I just can't comprehend the brilliance if there truly is any.  However, in my opinion, this album is truly a mixed-bag.  The middle is boring but the opener and closer are some of the best songs the band has to offer.  I would definitely check those out and skip the rest.


Introspection Sucks

The topic of this post is actually kind of difficult to talk about.  It's not really in a way where I get choked up or emotional or even that frustrated.  But I think it's tough for me because I honestly can't figure it out.  I guess, being an engineering major and soon to be graduate, I often approach problems very analytically.  One of the hardest things to analyze is yourself.  Introspection is truly difficult to do, which is part of the reason why I am writing this post.  Perhaps we can bounce ideas off of each other with this post as a start to our thread of what I would like to talk about today.

Most things I can figure out decently well, even difficult concepts.  In most areas, I can conclude that I'm at least adequate.  Sure, there are some things that I'm just not very good at but we all have faults.  Even the things I'm not very good at, at least I can put in a good effort and be content.  A lot of things it's a matter of figuring them out or just flat out practicing them.  Really, simple enough; sometimes easier said than done but still not very complicated.

However, the one area of my life that's been completely a maelstrom of difficulty is, without a doubt, relationships.  And, by this I mean, I can't even get a girl to go out with me.

Not one.

And maybe that's the problem right there.  In the phrase "I can't even get a girl to go out with me," implies that there's some sort of manipulation involved.  I mean, I try my best but at the end of the day it really turns into a matter of whether women I ask even like me enough to give it a shot.

The short answer is no.

But maybe it's this inherent analytical approach that I default to that is the root cause of the failures.  It's pretty easy to say that dating is a game that doesn't involve just strategy.  It seems to me that it requires talent, good looks, and confidence.  You can't trick a woman into dating you.

Well, I guess I don't know that for sure but yeah, probably not.

There are people that say I should just 'be myself' but that seems like an inadequate approach as well.  Why do I say this?  Well, I just simply don't have a lot to be proud of.  Sometimes my friends say I should be more confident but I'm not really sure why.  There's nothing to be confident in.  I'm just a regular guy.  I'm not going to go around saying I'm the best person that ever lived or something because that's just stupid.  No one's buying that!

Anyways, introspection is one of the most difficult things to do but I'll try my best anyways.  The only approach I know is the analytical approach so I guess I'll put out my thoughts that way, for now, even though I know that they don't work.

I think it all starts with my personality and sociability.  I frequently find myself stumbling through social situations.  Frequently may not even be the right word for it.  It's more like all of the time.  I think it's because I'm not very normal.  I can get along with fellow students in the engineering building okay but I soon as I find myself in a social situation with a normal person, I become hopelessly awkward like every word that I choose, every joke I muster up, every thought that becomes communication becomes something that they either don't understand or just really can't find interesting (I can't tell which one).  As you may imagine, this would carry over to potential dating situations.  In fact, I think it may get way worse, like a lot worse.  This is something I can't figure out at all.  Maybe I just don't have the nerves.  It's like my body has the mechanism that just kicks in that makes me completely emotionless to get through tough situations.  When I give presentations, this will happen as well which often leads to my speech becoming monotone.

Though, this doesn't happen when I play shows so that's good.

I think another thing that really plays against my favor is how unrelatable I am.  For how little I fit into any one clique or social stereotype I think really makes me undefined.  For the people that do get to know me, I think they have difficulty placing me into these cookie cutter personalities.  Humans like being able to classify things.  Since I'm pretty hard to classify, I'm also hard to define.  When women get to know me, all they can conclude is that there is a lot that they don't know about me because they can't place me into what they already know.  Would you want to date the unknown?

I think also that it is the crowd that I hang with.  Don't get me wrong; my friends are great!  But that's the problem.  I'm basically last among my friends in social worth.  It sounds depressing but it's pretty true.  Not only am I the ugliest, but I'm also the strangest, quietest (sometimes), and the least experienced.  So when I'm out with my friends, no one is going to notice me unless if it's for bad reasons.  It's unfortunate but it's what happens.  Never was there a time when a girl preferred me over any of my friends so I will always be the last pick; which means that I will most likely never get picked at all.  About the only way I have anyone beat is with a higher GPA which doesn't mean shit to anyone, even me.  It just means that I tried harder at school.  Dating prospects don't care about that, trust me.

And that kind of brings me to my next point.  Just about everything that I have in my life I got through hard work.  I have no natural talents to show off other than working hard...which isn't a natural talent, anyone can work hard if they want.  This doesn't sound like a problem but it definitely is.  Women don't care if you try hard.  In fact, they will probably prefer if you can make difficult things look easy or simple.  Basically, they like a show off.  I'm not talented enough at any one thing to be like that.

And before you start thinking that since I have the potential to make money with an engineering degree that I will be better off with the ladies, just remember that dating ladies who only want you for money or as a financial crutch will only end badly.

I guess the points that I've made don't really amount to much but I think that about sums it up.  And maybe that means I'm not a complete lost cause but when I really think about it, that's a lot to change about myself.  Quite frankly, I don't really want to change.  It's too much of a wasted effort.  All of that work just for a relationship?  You know what, it makes no sense.

In the end, the analytical approach certainly won't work.  Maybe I'll get lucky one day or something.  But you know what?  I think I don't care.  No, I want a relationship.  No, I don't care.  No, I want a relationship.  You see?  I can't even make up my mind.  My logical side says that a relationship is way more trouble than it's worth, but my emotional side says that it is worth it.

But I think at the end of the day, I'll be too wrapped up in work, my hobbies, writing this blog (just kidding), etc. to even make a proper effort at something that I shouldn't care about.  So you know what? I think I'll try to live the rest of my life single.

Yeah, that sounds pretty good......Right?

Tales of Xillia, Tales of Xillia 2

I had never played any of the games from the Tales series before these two which is probably a little surprising considering how many RPGs I've played over the years.  However, just to throw it out there, there are quite a few RPGs other than the Tales series that I still haven't played such as the Elder Scrolls series, Xenogears, World of Warcraft, Runescape, the Dragon Age series; just to name a few.  It's not that I dislike these games.  Hell, how could I dislike something if I haven't played it before?  There are just so many games and such little time to play them, so many games and such little money to buy them with...

So, I finally played a Tales game and what better one to start with than a game that barely got a North American release, Tales of Xillia.

Tales of Xillia

If you're looking to play a new JRPG, Tales of Xillia is a pretty good place to land.  You won't find anything particularly new here but it does a splendid job of filling the action-JRPG market.  If you liked the Star Ocean games, you'll love this game because it's basically Star Ocean but with better combat.  And it's a lot more stable.  And it supports 4 player drop-in/drop-out co-op (offline only).

Drop-in/drop-out co-op is actually a feature I think was an original thought in Star Ocean:  Till the End of Time as, way back when, my friend and I tried for a bit to get it to work only to discover that the only multiplayer aspect of the game was in a specific battle arena mode (which was disappointing to say the least).  Tales of Xillia takes this concept almost exactly the same way the developers of Star Ocean seemed to have planned it only they actually utilized it (which I'm very glad that they did, even if I did have no one to play this game with).

Unlike any of the Star Ocean games, this game runs very smoothly; very rarely slowing down.  This was a frustration that made Star Ocean:  The Last Hope particularly bad as that game would freeze up very frequently.  There were a few times when a lot of animations were going on in a battle and the game would slow down a bit but it wasn't a very big deal.

Tales of Xillia makes the most improvements through its combat.  In Star Ocean:  Till the End of Time, the combat was stiff, at best.  Star Ocean:  The Last Hope improved on it a little bit but there still wasn't that much there to be utilized.  Tales of Xillia takes it up another notch by mastering the basic fighting mechanics that should have been there from the beginning.  With the addition of fluid dodging controls, improved blocking controls, and the utilization of button combinations for attacks, this game feels more like a fighting game than any of the Star Ocean games ever had.  On top of that, the game incorporates a feature called "linking" where you can link up with other party members and fight in tandem with them (more as a team).  You'll find that you will want to do this most of the time because it allows you to fill a meter that will periodically grant you the ability to do a special move called a "linked arte."  Later on in the game, this will also allow you to do what's basically an equivalent of a limit break.  Basically, it seems a bit overly complex but it's a lot simpler than it seems when I try to explain it verbally.

The leveling system works with EXPs (no surprise there).  The skill leveling system works on skill points and a choice system that is very similar to the sphere grid in Final Fantasy X.  It's neither good nor bad, just typical.

The art design is pretty good but animations can be kind of wonky at times, especially when people are talking.  The lip movements just seems so stiff; and even small, light-weight, characters seem like they lumber around.  The English voice acting is atrocious.  It will definitely make hardcore JRPG fans wish for an option to use Japanese voices.  However, poor English voice-acting isn't particularly unusual for a JRPG or anime so I wouldn't get too hung up on it.

The music is pretty good.  To say it's great or fantastic would be a stretch but I would say it's a slightly above average score.

The plot in this game is good as well, but not great.  There are a few good plot twists but you'll have trouble remembering the story a few weeks after completing the game.  The characters are decently developed and unique.  Despite not remembering the plot, you'll probably remember the characters in a positive light as these characters are well-written and truly a joy since the beginning.  Unlike other JRPGs, this game will frequently allow you to view short skits that further develop characters.  This was a feature in the game that I really enjoyed because it allows the player to learn more about the characters without having to wait all the way until the next cut-scene.  It makes level grinding or dungeon exploration a little less tedious than it inherently is.  The game also allows you to select a main character at the beginning of the game (similarly to Star Ocean:  The Second Story) in which the main plot is mostly the same but the story plays out a little differently as it is told from the perspective of the character that you chose as the "main character."

Overall, if you like Star Ocean or generally like JRPGs, you'll love this game.  It does the action-JRPG genre better than Star Ocean does (except for the main plot which is still pretty good).  Also, be careful with this one because it's a bit difficult to put down!

Tales of Xillia 2

This game plays almost exactly the same as the first with a few major changes (but nothing that really makes the game feel different).

Obviously, the game has new story.  The game also has a new main character, Ludger.  The game added a few new locations but it's mostly the same ones from the first game.  This is a bit of a problem since you already explored all of these places in the first game, it gets pretty dry, pretty quick.

All of the main cast of the last game make an appearance and some others also make an appearance.  Actually, it's mostly just the same people from the last game.  The only new character other than Ludger is Elle:  a wandering little girl that happens to run into Ludger at the beginning of the game.  Basically, if you liked the characters from the previous game, you'll like the characters in this game because they are mostly the same.

I really liked how they revamped the side-questing.  First of all, side-questing is much more prominent in this game than the last one and is something that you will basically be required to do from time to time.  Instead of running all over the place looking for people with exclamation points above their head like in the first game, all of the side-quest jobs are on a billboard in every town.  Also, no matter which town you're in, the billboard will have all the jobs posted from every town so you don't have to check the billboard of every town in the world every time you want to do all of the jobs available.  However, side-questing can be a bit tedious as there isn't very much deviation in quest types.  Most of the side-quests either involve slaying a certain number of a certain type of monster or collecting a certain number of items.  There are some other story-type quests which are a little more interesting, but they still boil down to the same goals.  The elite monsters are cool though.  They're basically optional boss fights for large amounts of money and experience.  These are much more interesting than the regular, tedious, side-quests.

The debt-repayment plot device is also a positive, in my opinion.  In most RPGs, to prevent you from getting too far off the plot railroad, they just won't let you travel to certain places for seemingly no reason or for a very poor excuse.  However, at the beginning of the story Ludger ends up in a lot of financial trouble and owes the bank a ton of money.  As a result of this, Ludger is a flight risk and isn't allowed to leave certain areas without the proper authorization.  As you pay off the debt, more areas become available to you as Ludger becomes less of a flight risk.  It's pretty innovative of an idea and I thought it was a good change of pace from the standard JRPG formula.  It also basically requires you to do side-quests at certain points in the game, as well.  So, if you don't like side-quests, well, I guess you'll hate it.

The game also implements decision making into the game.  Unfortunately, it doesn't really add to the game much as stuff will usually end up the same no matter what you choose.  The only time choices matter are a couple of times towards the end of the game.  The other times, the choices really don't do anything.  This is actually a real letdown because the back of the game case really advertises this idea but it really just falls short of what has already been done in other games like Fallout:  New Vegas; where the game's main plot plays out completely different depending on who you decide to ally with, make enemies with, or stay neutral with and when you make these decisions.

"Every choice can change the future," if every choice means about 4% of them.

Also, of the few endings in the game, none of them are really particularly good.  The ending of the first game was pretty good but all of the endings in the second game (even the best ending) don't tie up very many loose ends even for the ending that is supposed to be a 'happily ever after' kind of ending.  A little disappointing but I guess it doesn't really ruin the game either so it's not like it's horrendous.

The most bad-ass improvements to the game lie in the combat.  On top of all of the features from before, Ludger has the special ability to change weapons in the middle of combat.  He can dual-wield swords, dual-wield pistols, or use a giant hammer.  Similarly to elemental magic, you can use different weapons types to exploit different weaknesses of enemies.  It also allows for an even more diverse selection of attacks in-battle.  On top of being able to do linked artes and limit breaks, Ludger also has a separate gauge that periodically fills while battling called the "chronos gauge."  When this gauge fills, Ludger can enter a state where he becomes more powerful.  Later on in the game, Ludger can wait to fill the gauge multiple times in order to make his attacks even more powerful.

Overall, it's mostly better than the already solid first game despite the lack-luster endings.  I don't mean to pick on the endings too much as I've seen worse.  At least the bad endings in this game don't leave you feeling like a failure; well, except for one of them but you really have to be trying to fail to get that ending.  When I played through the game, I didn't even know it was a possible ending.  I found out about it by researching the various endings online.  But yeah, I've played other games where you play through the whole thing to find out at the end that you were fucking up the whole thing without even knowing.  Then you get a shitty ending and that's it.  I hate games that do that!  If you can make it to the end of the game, you should at least get a decent ending.  I'm not saying the best ending.  Just a decent one is all I ask.  For instance, the "bad" ending to Silent Hill may have bad things that happen and isn't very ideal but at least it's interesting plot-wise and somewhat satisfying.

Anyways, if you can't get enough of JRPGs, particularly action-JRPGs, I would recommend both of these games as they're both pretty good.  However, if you are new to the genre, there are better ones out there such as Final Fantasy VII, Chronotrigger, or action-JRPGs like Phantasy Star. or Crisis Core:  Final Fantasy VII.

But the interesting thing about the JRPG genre is that I generally don't hear that much about them so it feels like every new JRPG I pick up is completely foreign since people don't really talk about them much.  So yeah, you can play it safe by playing the well-known Final Fantasies and such but the real fun with JRPGs is discovering the ones you haven't heard of and not knowing what to expect when you start it up.  When I picked up Phantasy Star Portable, I had no clue what I was getting.  When I first picked up Valkyria Chronicles II, it was a great day because I hadn't played a game that was even remotely relatable to that game and I still haven't found one that's similar to that game.  Sure, I've already talked about those games on this site so you probably know about them already but maybe I'll talk about some of the others that I've picked up over the years in the near future.

Tales of Xillia Cover:

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Tale of Xillia 2 Back: