PSP Reboot #5: Dissidia Duodecim

This game is actually a prequel to the game that I reviewed yesterday - Dissidia:  Final Fantasy.  This game is actually what I consider the perfect sequel (well, sequel or prequel).  Why?  Well, it took everything that the original did and changed it just barely enough where you could say that it is its own game and not call it a DLC, in a case, wrapped in plastic.  Dissidia Duodecim builds on the great gameplay of the first game without destroying any aspects of the major gameplay.  Dissidia Duodecim adds new levels, new characters, an "assist" system where you can call another character to attack the enemy in mid-battle, a revamped story mode that has a bit of the traditional Final Fantasy world exploration (as opposed to the first one which had none of this), and a custom story editor.

If there's a drawback, some of the character additions were a little bizarre such as Gilgamesh or Laguna from Final Fantasy VIII.  Though, admittedly, Laguna does add a very different fighting style to the game since he has his assault rifle.  Also, I think that we can all agree that we would have rather had Balthier instead of Vaan for the second Final Fantasy XII representative (but we all knew it was coming).  Kain from Final Fantasy IV was a great addition considering he's fucking bad-ass (whenever he wasn't betraying Cecil in the original game that is)!  Also, Tifa from Final Fantasy VII was added who also has a varying fighting style from the others considering she fights with her fists.  Also, her jugs bounce around a bit if you look closely enough (I'm not a perv!  I swear!!!).  Yuna from Final Fantasy X was introduced.  She has a pretty unique fighting arsenal as well since she has command over the various Eidolons.  Last but not least, the addition of Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII was pretty sweet.  Though XIII certainly didn't live up to expectations, you have to admit that Lightning is a pretty bad-ass character.  She has an interesting fighting style as well since she can switch between the different Paradigms from Final Fantasy XIII during battle.

Overall, if you haven't bought Dissidia:  Final Fantasy yet, I would say just skip that one and go straight to this one.  The whole main story from Dissidia:  Final Fantasy is actually included in Dissidia:  Duodecim along with the new prequel's story.  This game is great, if you own a PSP, there's no excuse not to have this game in your PSP library.


One quick note I wanted to add here is that these Final Fantasy games for the PSP have pretty impressive cut scenes.  The run of the mill cut scenes using the in-game models look typical. But, the full blown cut scenes look great!  The intro and ending cut scenes look gorgeous in most of Square Enix's games and these PSP reboots are no exception.  In fact, (*SPOILER ALERT*), at the end of Crisis Core:  Final Fantasy VII, the end cut scene was the intro cut scene of Final Fantasy VII redone with modern 3D animation  It looked really amazing and was demoed by Square (at some point).  It led a lot of people to speculate about a remake of Final Fantasy VII for the Playstation 3 with the updated graphics.  So far, it hasn't happened and if it were to happen it would be for a system of a later generation than the Playstation 3.  And of course, a lot of the hardcore fans shun the idea of a remake of such a classic game.  However, I embrace the idea of a  Final Fantasy VII remake.  If done right (a BIG IF), it could further improve some of the breathtaking imagery and action from the original.


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