PSP Reboot #11: Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron

This game is a GREAT example of why 1st person shooters (or over the shoulder shooters) don't work on the PSP.  Like many 1st person shooter adaptations on the PSP, this one resorts to auto-aim.  If you're going to resort to auto-aim, what's the point?  Now that the two joystick system for controllers is well-established, there's no need to have games that do this.  The PSP is just not the platform that these games should be released on.  Though I don't own any of the games, the SOCOM series is also a PSP failure because they resorted to auto-aim.  I know this because I tried playing a demo and got bored as shit playing it.  If there isn't the second stick, why even bother?

It's really a shame too because this version of Star Wars Battlefront has some pretty cool features that would have been pretty enjoyable on the Xbox 360, PS3, or PC.  Several of the levels in the game involve space combat and planet surface combat at the same time; letting the player choose between the two freely in real time.  This is pretty cool considering that there is an overall respawn count for both of the theaters; making each battle relevant and important to win.

The game also includes custom soldier classes where you can equip power-ups, weapons, etc. as you choose.  In previous games, you were only allowed to choose between predetermined soldier classes.

This game would have been really good if it came out on a platform that supports shooters.  Unfortunately, the PSP does not.  This is definitely a game that you should pass up.


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